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User:Jerome Loisel

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Jérôme Loisel (born November 24, 1975). I am a literature student from Lévis, Québec. I study the novels and films of Alain Robbe-Grillet. I have worked in several fields: education, website design, politics; I have also volunteered in several community or university media as a radio show host or columnist, and have done various live stage performances. My writings tend to focus on Québec politics and society.

Major contributions[edit]

These are not corrections or improvements, but articles I wrote myself. In time, I will probably add articles I overhaul (two are in my sights as of this writing). Please feel free to proof-read them: English is not my native language and I have been known to make mistakes, from time to time.

To-do list[edit]

I intend to write these articles or give them an overhaul.

Side discussion with an un-named reader.

(Jérôme, es-tu certain de vouloir toucher à lui ?)

Non, je suis loin d'être certain. Mais... À qui est-ce que je parle? La meilleure place pour discuter, c'est mon onglet "discussion".

External links[edit]