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Hello, I'm ThrainII

I'm basically setting up this account in a grand effort to avoid working on a Quantum Mechanics oral exam (check); in fact, it was that exam that lead me to Wikipedia in the first place, so it seems appropriate.

My username is derived from a character in Tolkien's book. Basically, I picked it...wow, 7, 8 years ago?...because it was the only Tolkien mythology name that I knew no else would ever use because no one else knows or cares about the character. Tuor and Turin have better stories behind them, but they occasional are used, and i'd hate having to accomodate by adding a "2" or something that isn't actually in the texts. Don't want to be like Elrond or something that has Elrond3586@hotmail.com or something lame like that.

A recent nickname of mine is T-cubed (T^3), given to me by a professor. On the first day of class I announced that I played trumpet, trombone, and tuba, and used to be known as Tiny Tuba Tarr in highschool--I weighed under 120lbs and played a suzaphone--so T^3 was born. It has a better story to it than Thrain2 (not really a difficult feat, though), so I use it every once in a while.

Hopefully I'll be able to add something to the meeting of minds here, and perhaps something interesting to my personal page. I guess will find out.


(2 is easier to write than 'II')