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Masterchicker is the monicker given to Erwin Rommel Yayen Felix. Born on March 12, 1982 in Olongapo, Zambales. He took his primary and secondary education in Lourdes School of Quezon City where he excelled academically. He studied in the University of the Philippines where he garnered a Bachelor's Degree in Economics. It was in that University where he became a member of a prestigious Law based fraternity named Alpha Phi Beta. The Masterchicker will always be remembered for his famous adage i.e. "Girls are like underwear. You get attached to the good ones but eventually you have to change them." and "Never outshine the Master Chicker."

His quest for excellence and relevance is depicted by his active participation in the Alpha Phi Beta fraternity whose common goal is building great leaders that will carry the Philippines to ultimate greatness. As a student, he is involved in campus politics. He is one of the proponents of UP Convergence, a socio-political organization with the agenda of principled involvement. He is also one of those millions of youth that marched to the Edsa Shrine to oust then President Joseph Ejercito Estrada. He once claimed to be the political spectrum. For him, there is no left and right, only him. He just let his wisdom take its course.

The Masterchicker never really believed in democracy. He once said that, "Democracy is a farce for fools, a fascade behind corruption and downfall of our people." He believes in one leader of a finite tenure that will lead his people toward greatness. That one leader will take all the responsibilty of every decision he will make for his country. The best and greatest decision is not necessarily the decision of many. A few can make great things. For him, only a few is destined for greatness. By this, there will be no pointing of fingers and no delays. According to him, the leader cannot lead for more than 8 years because being in the topmost echeclon of power for more than a decade, you don't view the world as others would see it therefore, you lose the facts of the real world and eventually that would be disastrous.

His role models are Adolf Hitler, who believes that there is no wisdom in democracy only majority, and Pope Pius XII, who is the epitome of the dogma of supremacy and infallibility. He has read Mein Kampf and is in the process of finding the right way of applying its teachings for the benefit of his country.

Interestingly, Pope Pius XII's coronation was on March 12, 1939. March 12 being the Masterchicker's birth and 1939 being the Alpha Phi Beta's foundation.

References: Hitlter, Adolf. Mein Kampf. Cornwell, John. Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII.

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